首页 - 教员/员工 - 康斯坦斯费


Voice, Opera, Diction; Director of Vocal Studies


康斯坦斯费 has performed leading roles with the Opéra de la Bastille, 京剧丑角, Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris;  Opéra de Lyon, 荷兰的歌剧, 新以色列歌剧, 威尔士国家歌剧院, l’Opéra Royal de Wallonie/Belgium, 那大宅斯图加特, 开放城市Köln, Staatstheater卡塞尔, 维也纳Volksoper, 休斯顿大剧院, 圣歌剧院. 路易, Lyric Opera of Kansas City; and has collaborated with conductors Sir Charles Mackerras, 马泽尔, 莱昂纳德•斯拉特金, 帕特里克·萨默斯, Myung-Whun涌, 大卫·罗伯逊, 约翰·纳尔逊, stage directors Colin Graham, 大卫·奥尔登, 约翰·考克斯, 罗伯特•威尔逊, 摩纳哥的吉安卡洛, 和弗朗索瓦·罗什凯.

Described in OPERNWELT Berlin as “vocally brilliant, dramatically spontaneous而且活得好好的。” her repertoire of over fifty soprano and mezzo-soprano roles includes the title roles in Puccini's 托斯卡比才的 卡门罗西尼的 La Cenerentola,多尼采蒂的 拉最喜欢的决胜赛 by Richard Strauss, as well as Brangäne in Wagner's 特里斯坦和伊索德; Der Komponist in 纳克索斯的阿里阿德涅 by Strauss; Charlotte in Massenet’s 维特; Augusta Tabor in Moore’s 小母鹿的歌谣; Giulietta and Nicklausse in Offenbach’s Les contes d 'Hoffmann; Marina in Mussorgsky's 鲍里斯·戈都诺夫; Dorabella in Cosí fan tutte,凯鲁比诺 《美高梅mgm平台》 和伊达曼特 Idomeneo by Mozart; and Rosina in Il barbiere di Siviglia 和伊索里尔 美高梅mgm平台的竞争对手 由罗西尼.

在音乐会的舞台上, she was the soloist with the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra at the Rudolfinum in Prague in Chausson’s 爱情和爱情之歌 和大众 圣母悼歌 in televised concerts celebrating the orchestra’s 100th anniversary; in Mendelssohn’s 以利亚, at the Internationale Musikfestwochen in Lucerne, Switzerland; Honegger’s 让娜·达·奥·鲍彻 at Salle Pleyel in Paris, recorded by Musique à Flaine/Beaufour; 《浮士德的诅咒, Berlioz, International Festival of Besançon, 法国; New York Philharmonic, Schumann 《天堂与死亡; Milwaukee Symphony, Beethoven’s C单位质量; Saint 路易 Symphony, Beethoven’s 交响曲》. 9, 韩德尔的 弥赛亚; Indianapolis Symphony, 弥赛亚; San Diego Symphony, Mozart 安魂曲; Lexington Philharmonic, Verdi 安魂曲; Bach's St. 马太福音的热情 with Robert Shaw, Riverside Church in New York City; Rossini 圣母悼歌 和马勒 Kindertotenlieder, Staatsorchester Kassel; and in concert with pianist Rudolf Serkin at the Marlboro Music Festival.

Ms. Fee has taught voice and French diction on the faculty of the Franco-American Vocal Academy in Périgueux, 法国, since 2014 has been a member of the voice faculty of the Crescendo Summer Institute in Tokaj, 匈牙利, 2024年她将回到哪里. She served on the 校友 Council of her alma mater, 威斯敏斯特唱诗班学院, 十多年来, 最近作为总统, she is currently president of the Westminster Foundation.

Her students have won top awards at national and international competitions and have been offered full or partial scholarships for graduate vocal performance programs at the Juilliard School, 莱斯大学, 印第安纳大学, Cincinnati College-Conservatory, 密歇根大学, 马里兰大学, 巴德学院, Guildhall-London, 皮博迪音乐学院, 波士顿音乐学院, 新英格兰音乐学院, 曼哈顿音乐学院, 克利夫兰音乐学院, 威斯敏斯特唱诗班学院; they have performed with opera companies including Opera Theatre of Saint 路易, 华盛顿国家歌剧院, 肖陶扩村, Glimmerglass, 萨拉索塔, Kansas City; and at the summer festival/young artist programs of Tanglewood, 旧金山歌剧院/梅罗拉, Caramoor, 新剧院/美声唱法, 阿斯彭, 迈阿密, 阿玛海岸, 和Les chorsamgies d 'Orange, 法国.

康斯坦斯费 is Director of Vocal Studies and Associate Professor of Vocal Performance at 美高梅mgm平台 in Rochester, NY. She received the Performer's Certificate in Opera Performance from the 柯蒂斯音乐学院 in Philadelphia, PA; Master of Music in Vocal Performance from the 印第安纳大学 Jacobs School of Music; and Bachelor of Vocal Music 教育 from 威斯敏斯特唱诗班学院 in Princeton, NJ, from which she also received the 校友 Merit Award for Distinguished Achievement in Vocal Performance. A life-long student of Metropolitan Opera soprano Margaret Harshaw, she was a charter member of the Houston Opera Studio.

Recent Roberts Student and 校友 Accomplishments:

  • 1st, 2nd 和3rd Place Winners - NATS District Auditions 2023
  • 1st 和2nd Place Winners - NATS Eastern Region Auditions 2023
  • Young Artist - Merola Program, San Francisco Opera 2021, 2023
  • Encouragement Award - Met Opera Laffont Regional Auditions 2023
  • 3rd Place Classical Singer Competition, National Convention/SF 2023
  • National Semi-Finalist - Metropolitan Opera Laffont Auditions 2022
  • 1st place - Met Opera District Auditions 2022
  • 3rd Place - Montserrat Caballé International Opera Competition 2022
  • 1st 置(x3) 2nd 位,和3rd Place Winners - NATS Eastern Region Auditions 2021
  • Encouragement Award - Met Opera Regional Auditions 2021
  • Winner - Met Opera District Auditions 2021
  • 1st 和2nd Place Winners - NATS District Auditions 2021
  • Young Artist - Merola Program, San Francisco Opera 2021, 2022
  • Encouragement Awards - Met Opera District & 2020年地区海选
  • Young Artist - 华盛顿国家歌剧院 Cafritz program 2018-2020
  • Winner - Opera Ebony Vocal Competition, NYC 2019
  • Apprentice Artist - 迈阿密 Music Festival Opera Program 2018, 2019
  • Young Artist - 阿斯彭 Summer Festival Opera Theatre 2019
  • 1st Place Winner - NATS Eastern Regional Competition 2019
  • Young Artist - Teatro Nuovo Bel Canto Institute 2018
  • Young Artist - 圣歌剧院. 2018年路易
  • 1st Place Winner - NATS District Competition 2017
  • 1st Place - Classical Singer Vocal Competition, National Convention/Boston 2016
  • Studio Artist - 萨拉索塔 Opera 2015